Look, Feel & Move Better
10X Your Moves with Our Top 10 Videos Today

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What Is The TAI CHI Starter Course?
☯ Tai Chi Digital Video Masterclass
☯ Health Benefits of Tai Chi Scientific Reasearch in plain English
☯ Special Interviews with Tai Chi Grandmaster Chen
☯ Tai Chi Principles Masterclass
☯ Full PDF Download of Tai Chi Name Exercise Translation
☯ Essential Tai Chi Martial Defense Applications Videos
☯ Next Level Tai Chi Set Practice Video
Within the video training, we will cover the most essential
10 Pillars of Tai Chi:
#1: Starting Tai Chi - Where do I Start? What's the best way to set up my practice and why?
#2: Tai Chi Warm Ups: How to get your body ready to do Tai Chi and revise your aching joints for that coveted youthful look.
#3: Tai Chi 101: How do I get my foundations strong so I can get all the benefits of Tai Chi?
#4: Essential Hand Shapes: How do I make the powerful Tai Chi hand forms and why are they important?
#5: Secret Silk Reeling: How do I get the full body maximum engagement & fluidity in my movements?
#6: Four Directions Methods: The four key movements you need to master all of all Tai Chi.
#7: Four Corners Fajin: How and when to use these explosive movements to deepen your Tai Chi power.
#8: 13 Postures Essential Tai Chi Form: Bring your Tai Chi to life with this essential "Master Key" to the entire Tai Chi system.
#9: Practice Videos: My practice videos showing you exactly how I do each essential set designed so all you have to do is follow along.
#10: The Principles: The critical Tai Chi principles you need to get the most benefits out of your Tai Chi.
✔ Complete Starter Course
Packed with 10 of my best no B.S Tai Chi videos covering the spectrum of a strong Tai Chi foundation to produce insanely effective results. Including my Tai Chi Practice Video Shortcuts which are the exact custom-made exercise shortcuts that I use to 10X my productivity in practice covering the essential Tai Chi movements you need.
✔ Wisdom From the Grandmaster
This 3-video trilogy shares the background and benefits of the original Tai Chi method: 1 - Grandmaster Chen's background 2 - Health Benefits of Tai Chi 3 - Passing Tai Chi to the Next Generation.
✔ Health Benefits of Tai Chi PDF Download
Johns Hopkins trained health science researcher Dr. Ted Nawalinski summarized the scientific research on the vast health benefits of Tai Chi in a convenient PDF download for you. He explains it in plain English and also gives you the original journal article citations to verify it.
✔ Tai Chi Names List Translation PDF Download
Translated by Dr. Yinong Chong using the PhD 5 Level Interpretation Method (P5LIM) you'll always know which moves comes next with this complete list of every exercise in the program. This means you will never have to worry about remembering the sequence of the form.
✔ Essential Tai Chi Self-Defense Combat Applications
Deep dive into the actual usage and application of the most important movements in Tai Chi. Get these and you'll be on your way to understanding how to use any movement in Tai Chi for self-defense.
✔ Principle of Tai Chi Masterclass
Five videos from one of my exclusive private seminars where I dive deeper into the key Tai Chi principles you absolutely must know.
✔ NEXT Level Tai Chi Preview
A sneak peek at your NEXT level of Tai Chi. My personal practice videos unveil your next form sequence in its entirety and show it from two different angles so that you have a head start on the deeper levels of Tai Chi.
☯ Access Course + Bonuses 👉
The Original Form of Tai Chi
The Tai Chi forms and exercises in these videos come from Chen Quanzhong, senior most Grandmaster of Tai Chi Chuan and 19th generation Grandmaster from the Chen Tai Chi (Taijiquan) family.
General Chen Wanting (Grandmaster's great, great ancestor) created Tai Chi more than 500 years ago...
...out of battlefield tested methods designed to…
...get you home alive.
The General was old when he created the art - he'd retired after serving his country
So he perfected an art where physical size and strength aren't the only factors.
And could help support physical ability, wellness, and potency for many, many years.

Grandmaster Chen Quanzhong, 19th Generation Inheritor of the Original Form of Tai Chi Chuan with Shifu Shawn Cartwright, 20th Generation Indoor Disciple
"You explain the principles behind the technique...
principles, once understood, are more flexible..." David B.
The Chen family passed these methods in an unbroken lineage to Grandmaster Chen Quanzhong, 19th Generation lineage inheritor.
Notably, Grandmaster Chen was selected by the United States Library of Congress to archive the original form of Tai Chi Chuan. He is the first and only Tai Chi Grandmaster to be granted this honor.
Grandmaster Chen passed the original form of Tai Chi on to Shawn Cartwright, 20th generation indoor student and adopted son of Grandmaster Chen. This means that Grandmaster me Tai Chi like his own son.
Then Grandmaster Chen asked me to pass the great art of Tai Chi on to the Western World. With his guidance, we created a Tai Chi Starter Set to make it easier for you to learn the essential forms and exercises of the original style of Tai Chi.

Here's What You Get
Tai Chi 13 Postures Video
- Experience the essence of all Tai Chi with the 13 Key Postures of Tai Chi. They're the heart of all Tai Chi and source of every Tai Chi form in the world.
- Once you know these moves, you'll be able to unlock the rest of the Tai Chi system because, every movement in Tai Chi is simply a combination of these 13 core moves.
Post Standing Neigong Video
- Get better balance and stability with the Tai Chi Post Standing (Zhan Zhuang). This training method is so effective other martial arts like Xing Yi Quan (Hsing-I Chuan), Ba Gua Zhang (Pa Kua Chang) and Yi Quan (I Chuan) also use it.
- Take your internal power to the next level with the secret "Qi Sinking" exercise used by generations of Chen family masters to level up their energy and striking power.
5 Key Stepping Patterns Video
- The 5 Stepping Patterns of Tai Chi are your key to effortless movement in all directions while maintaining your center. This transforms martial ability as well as quality of life.
- Scientific studies of the benefits of Tai Chi often mention improved balance and reduction in falls (which are deadly to many people). There's a reason it's used at major centers like Harvard and Mayo Clinic.
4 Directions "Jin" Video
- This foundational training will teach you how to express Tai Chi energy in every movement that you do.
- You'll discover how to flow seamlessly from one energy to the other, changing from Yin to Yang, Yang to Yin.
Tai Chi Warm Up Movement Video
- This traditional Tai Chi Warm Up Set is a Nei Gong set designed to enhance your overall health and well-being. Each exercise focuses on relaxing and loosening the major joints in the body.
- You get exercises for the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, spine, back, waist, knees, ankles, and feet. This set is excellent on its own as Qigong for beginners and seniors but also helps advanced Tai Chi and Qigong practitioners.
Fajin Power 4 Corners Video
- Fajin Power or Explosive Energy is one of the most coveted secrets of traditional Tai Chi. You'll get the exact exercises and drills used by top Chen masters to develop their explosive power.
- Regular practice of these 4 rarely taught energies will help your Tai Chi techniques "Crack Like Thunder"
Silk Reeling Energy Refining Video
- Silk Reeling is the core Tai Chi body method to refine the Internal Energy. It is a type of meditation in movement. They condition the body for the main Taiji Jin (Refined Power) and come directly from our indoor lineage transmission Chen Taijiquan.
- These Nei Gong practices will help energy healers, yogis, martial artists and meditation practitioners refine their Qi and add power to their movement.
BONUS: Tai Chi First Form Practice Video
- Regular practice of this form will help you learn to "Flow Like Water" and take your Tai Chi to new levels.
- The 36 movements of the form follow exactly the sequence of the longer 72 movement form without the repetition, so it is easier for beginners to learn but retains the silken movement and power of the form experience practitioners enjoy.
BONUS: Music for Tai Chi Practice
The practice videos feature the sublime Gu Zheng music from The Rising Moon by Ms. Bing Xia and the masterful photography of Mr. Jin Gong. All you have to do is press play and follow along.
PLUS! Get These FREE Bonuses When You Act Now
✔ BONUS: Essential Tai Chi Self-Defense Combat Applications
Dive into the actual usage and application of the most important movements in Tai Chi. Get these and you'll be on your way to understanding how to use any movement in Tai Chi for self-defense.
✔ BONUS: Teaching Commentary
You get a detailed set of video instructor's notes to help you understand exactly how to do the most important moves. These will help you learn the key concepts and principles faster and easier.
Experience practitioners will quickly get the fine details of the moves, so you get more energy and combat power out of the moves. These notes were originally recorded for indoor students, but now they are available to you.
✔ BONUS: Health Benefits of Tai Chi PDF Download
Johns Hopkins trained health science researcher Dr. Ted Nawalinski summarized the scientific research on the vast health benefits of Tai Chi in a convenient PDF download for you. He explains it in plain English and also gives you the original journal article citations to verify it.
✔ BONUS: Principle of Tai Chi Masterclass
Five videos from one of my exclusive private seminars where I dive deeper into the key Tai Chi principles you absolutely must know.
✔ BONUS: Complete Tai Chi Set List PDF Download
You'll always know which moves comes next with this complete list of every exercise on the Tai Chi Videos. So, you will never have to worry about remembering the sequence of the form.
✔ SPECIAL BONUS: Interview with Grandmaster Chen
We'll give you a special bonus from our elite training vault. It's a series of 3 translated interviews with Grandmaster Chen Quanzhong, 19th Generation Grandmaster of Tai Chi Chuan. In one of them he discusses the health benefits of Tai Chi. In another he demonstrates his power and fluidity at 85 years young.
We'll give you 30 days to try it out, and if you don't like it, we'll refund 100% of the money you paid for it.
100% No questions asked.
And we'll even let you keep the PDF translation of the Tai Chi forms and exercises as our gift, just for trying it out.
How's that for fair?
Grab your copy today before they're gone.
Once you click the button below to get started and enter your details. You'll complete your purchase on our encrypted checkout page.
Then you'll receive an email confirmation of your order and a special link to access our private training portal with your videos.
Just $47
one-time payment
🔒 Get Instant Online Access to Videos + Bonuses Today
So, What's the Catch?
With the price of the videos this low, you might be wondering if there's a catch?
There is NO CATCH.
We produced these videos as a practice guide for our private students who paid us as much as $250 per hour to learn these sets privately.
When we had to shut down live classes due to the pandemic, we found a lot of our students wanted to continue training by video.
With the advances n modern digital learning platforms and filming, we created entire online curriculums with hundreds of videos.
But new students requested a special quick program where they could get going right away with just the essentials.
So, we took the essential parts of Tai Chi and put them together in a Starter Course.
And added a pile of snazzy bonuses!
Now you can get the same authentic Tai Chi sets we teach our private students for a fraction of the tuition they pay.
In fact, we wanted to make the tuition for your Tai Chi Starter Course so insanely low...
So, starting Tai Chi today is the easiest decision you'll have to make all week.
Because we're doing this to collect testimonials about how much the Tai Chi Starter Course helps you.
So if you want your Tai Chi Videos at this special rate, then you have to act now.
Once we have enough testimonials, the price will increase.
Which means...
Click the button below to grab your copy today before the price increases.
It's backed by our rock-solid 30 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Love and Light,
Shifu Shawn Cartwright
20th Generation Indoor Student of Grandmaster Chen Quanzhong
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30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Here's EVERYTHING You Get When You Order The Starter Course Today!
- Tai Chi Starter Course
- Health Benefits of Tai Chi PDF Download
- Wisdom from the Grandmaster Trilogy
- Tai Chi Name List Translation PDF Download
- Essential Self-Defense Applications
- Principles of Tai Chi Masterclass
- Next Level Tai Chi Preview
You Get...
Everything Above For
Only $47!
One-Time Payment. Delivered instantly. Start using in the next 2 minutes.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.