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Silent Dao

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Evil Wuxia Sorcerer Wrecks the Place

I Totally Screwed Up...

I left a contractor unsupervised in my basement.

It's full of antique furniture and my vast martial arts book and video collection.

He's supposed to have been replacing the ...

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Fun with a Capital "PH" or 3 Ways to Learn from Snakes

“PH” as in Phonics – get it? Fun = Phun

I know. If you’re scratching your head wondering what was in my tea this morning, I don’t blame you. But stick with me and I'll tell you a little story about s...

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Breaking the Pots and Burning the Boats

破釜沉舟 literally means "breaking the pots and burning the boats", a metaphor for sheer determination to fight all the way to the end, by getting rid of all means of retreat.

This ancient saying refers ...

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A Thousand Mile Journey Starts with the First Step

We’ve all heard the saying “A 1,000 Mile Journey Starts with the First Step” so many times it has become a bit of route banter.

We all know that starting something new sets us on the path to realize ...

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To Consider Yourself Always Right

Confident, Self-Assured, Conviction – these are all positive spins on the old Chinese idiom Zì yǐ wéi shì “to consider yourself always right.”

But what about those people who are so self-assured, thi...

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A Tiger with Wings

The term “Flying Tiger” conjures up images of brave airmen in P-40s who helped defend China from invasion in WWII.

But this phrase also has a long history in Chinese culture.

Simply put, it means to...

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A Fall into a Ditch Makes you Smarter

Every time you tumble down the gully you learn something new you can use to avoid future pitfalls.

“The secret of success is simple, double your rate of failure.” – Tom Watson

Tom Watson, legendary ...

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