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Silent Dao

Energy  |  Health  | Wisdom

Winter Solstice Meditation

Today is the Winter Solstice. This is the time of maximum Yin, when the first seed of Yang begins to regenerate. Like the Summer Solstice and the Spring and Autumn Equinox, it is an important time for...

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Chinese Sexual Alchemy Practices Yin Yang Pai Neidan

Q: I’ve read some books on Sexual Alchemy. They say the Chinese Southern School of Taoist Nei Dan is based on Sex. How can I learn these techniques?

A: Penetrating the secrets of the Chinese Sexual N...

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Neidan Meditation and Internal Alchemy Training

Neidan Meditation, also called Internal Alchemy Training (內丹 Nèi dān) is a special form of advanced meditation from the Taoist tradition. It is the highest level of meditation training.

Considered th...

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Summer Solstice Qigong

Today is the Summer Solstice. This is the time of maximum Yang, when the first seed of Yin begins to regenerate. Like the Winter Solstice and the Spring and Autumn Equinox, it is an important time for...

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What is Qigong?

Qigong (氣功, Chi Kung) is an ancient Chinese tradition of self-cultivation and healing. Qi is energy and Gong means work in Chinese, so Qigong literally means to work or cultivate your...

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Yin Yang Harmony Meditation

Yin Yang Harmony Internal Alchemy Meditation
Audio Guided Meditation with Music

An ancient Internal Alchemy practice using the Sun and Moon meditation to restore inner power.

The dynamic equilibrium ...

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