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Silent Dao

Energy  |  Health  | Wisdom

Fun with a Capital "PH" or 3 Ways to Learn from Snakes

“PH” as in Phonics – get it? Fun = Phun

I know. If you’re scratching your head wondering what was in my tea this morning, I don’t blame you. But stick with me and I'll...

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What is Qigong?

Qigong (氣功, Chi Kung) is an ancient Chinese tradition of self-cultivation and healing. Qi is energy and Gong means work in Chinese, so Qigong literally means to work or cultivate...

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Three Treasures Self Healing Meditation

Three Treasures Self Healing Meditation
Audio Guided Meditation with Music

This ancient Chinese Self Healing practice renews your body and spirit with supportive healing light and water.


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Yin Yang Harmony Meditation

Yin Yang Harmony Internal Alchemy Meditation
Audio Guided Meditation with Music

An ancient Internal Alchemy practice using the Sun and Moon meditation to restore inner power.

The dynamic...

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Five Elements Meditation

Five Elements Qigong Meditation
Audio Guided Meditation with Music

Guided imagery and visualization for rejuvenating the mind, body and spirit by energizing and healing the five major organs of...

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Breaking the Pots and Burning the Boats

破釜沉舟 literally means "breaking the pots and burning the boats", a metaphor for sheer determination to fight all the way to the end, by getting rid of all means of retreat.

This ancient saying...

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Meditation and Medicine Conquering Cancer Case Study

Learn how one brave woman combined meditation, diet, and medicine to fight an aggressive cancer.

By Dr. Ted Nawalinski

A Holistic Approach to a Diagnosis of Cancer

In November, 2018, my...

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